what to do in australia — TRAVEL JOURNAL — HandZaround

what to do in australia

Preparing Your Home For Long-Term Travel

Preparing Your Home For Long-Term Travel

Do you love to travel but not sure what to do with your home? Being away from your home for weeks or months at a time can come with a few challenges but if you’re well prepared, everything should work just fine. Read on to find out how to get your home ready before you leave.

Travelling with a Twist

Travelling with a Twist

Everyone likes to go travelling, and if you don’t, then we’re sure that you haven’t had a good experience. Because the moment you get that bug for being away and being in a different country, it just doesn’t go away. All you can think about is your next destination, and how much you want to go and see as much of the world as you possibly can.

Sporting Holidays in Australia

Sporting Holidays in Australia

If you were to ask the average person what comes to mind when you say “Australia”, there are a number of answers you might expect to receive. “Down under”, “holiday of a lifetime”, “sun and beaches” perhaps? Another thing that many are likely to say however is sport. Australia’s sporting pedigree is well renowned throughout the world. If you’re travelling here, you may want to do a full-year sporting experience. Read on for more information.