Thank you for visiting www.HandZaround.com,
we've loved having your here.
We always try to be positive, in pretty much all we do, however sometimes people misinterpret our work. That's why to keep it all clear and transparent, we want you to know these important things about our website:
Terms and Conditions
All that we write on our website are our own opinions, tips and experiences - they are all subjective and they are our own views. In no way should the content of this site be treated as absolute fact. Places change, things get more expensive, buses don't turn up etc, and we can't control this.
Our content has informational purpose only, and we try very hard to research all well and stay up-to-date, but we absolutely do not give you any guarantee to the accuracy of our content found on this site or found through the links placed on our website.
We are not an academic source of information or qualified researches. We rely heavily on subjective advice from other travellers that we meet on the road, as well as locals from the given country. We are not liable for any errors, omissions and changes to the availability of the information provided.
At all times we strive to promote equality and diversity in all our works. E.g. the fact that we wrote about traditions which happen on a Christian holiday in a given country, doesn't mean we don't love Muslims - we love everyone the same and couldn't be happier about how diverse the world is.
We want you to know that we are all about equality and diversity.
We do not provide professional medical, legal or any qualified advice and we are not responsible for any losses, injuries, or damages that may happen due to the use of the information found on our website..
If you do anything that we have recommended on HandZaround.com or on our social media, please note you are responsible for your own actions and you do it all at your own risk.
Copyright Policy
We strive to be original in what we do, therefore all our texts, images, videos, as well as other content that we use on our website and social media have been produced by us, unless stated otherwise. All other content has been shared with the permission of the creator, or under the creative commons licence.
If you're interested in publishing, reposting, embedding or reprinting any of our content, we would be very happy about it but you need to follow these rules:
- email us before publishing, reposting, embedding or reprinting any of our content, so that we can give you a written permission and inform you of our fees,
- credit us as agreed with us (either backlink to our Travel Journal or a social media channel).
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Sometimes our content is stolen, uploaded and altered by a third party. Obviously we are outraged by this, but please be aware that we are not responsible for any change that have been made. Usually we are pretty excited when our work is published on another site and like to #humblebrag a little bit, so if you don't see us mentioning anything on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc, then most likely we didn't know that our content was republished and it may not be as originally presented on this website.
Blog & Social media
Comments Policy
We are very happy when you comment, like or re-share (in a legal way) our content here and on social media channels, however we ask you to stay positive. We will strongly condemn any vulgar, inappropriate, racist or dangerous comments & reserve the right to remove any comments without notice.
Please share the love of travel and exploring the world and stay positive.
Disclosure statement
Please note that our travels are funded by us and we cover our own expenses, unless otherwise stated at the bottom of the post.
We are open for sponsored posts or advertising but we will always let you know if we host an ad or a sponsored post.
If you want to work with us, visit Work With Us page.
We have our own strong opinions and if in our opinion something is not right, we will be sure to let you know about it.
Some links on our website are affiliate links. If you click on them and choose to buy a product or service then we will receive a small commission. This does not affect the price you pay and we will always let you know if there are any links in each specific blog post at the end of the article.
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